Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition, that can have a significant impact on ones confidence and mental health. It is characterised by persistent facial redness, along with flushing, telangectasia (small visible vessels within the skin), and inflammatory papules or pustules. In some cases the skin on the nose and face can become thickened.
Rosacea affects approximately 5% of the population. Although it can affect anyone, it is more common in people with fair skin, blues eyes, and those of Celtic or Northern European descent.
The causes are multifactorial, with links to genetic susceptibility, diet/lifestyle, sun exposure and an impaired skin barrier.
Although it is a chronic condition, there are things we can do to manage it such as identify and avoid certain dietary triggers, use of sunscreens, use of medicated creams, and Laser/IPL treatment.
At Laserase we have a Pulsed Dye Laser (N-Lite). Pulsed Dye Lasers are gold standard for treating erythema/redness within the skin. This laser also treats telangectasia. We also have Intense Pulse Light which is very effective at treating telangectasia (small vessels visible in the skin), and sometimes a combination of the treatments gives best results.
A course of treatments is often needed for best results and a consultation and patch test is always needed to ensure suitability for treatment.
For further information please book in for a consultation.
Erythema (redness)
Possible bruising
Avoid sun exposure on the treated area for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the treatment
Must not have been taking oral Isotretinoin for 6 months before treatment
From £200 per treatment
Book your consulation.
525 Antrim Road
Belfast , Northern Ireland
BT15 3BS
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